

Kybella works by permanently destroys fat cells in the chin (double chin), bra bulge, and jowls. Kybella is a form of deoxycholic acid that acts to destroy the cell wall of fat cells (adipose cells) allowing the body to resorb the fat and the cell can no longer store fat. Treatment is fast with minimal downtime.

The advantages of this treatment include:

  • Reduces submental fat or double chin
  • Results in a few weeks
  • Noninvasive procedure
  • No incisions
  • Minimal downtime

The Treatment

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Kybella is a non-surgical procedure with minimal downtime and only destroys the fat cells in the treated area. We specialize in treating the chin, bra bulge, and jowls where small pockets of fat can appear. The treatment is quick and excellent for most adult patients. The number of treatments varies for each patient. At Spa Medica Aesthetic, we’ll determine the many treatments you need and customize the dosage. Typically, you’ll get six procedures or less for optimal results.


If you’re a medically healthy adult and are not allergic to the active ingredients in the formula of this treatment, then you’re an excellent candidate. This treatment was developed for patients with moderate fat beneath the chin, bra bulge, or jowls. We’ll determine your candidacy for this treatment at your consultation.

Most patients see optimal results within two to three months of treatments.

The results are permanent. The cells can’t continue to reproduce once they’re destroyed.

Yes. Bruising or swelling may occur after treatment. You may use a cold pack to alleviate the swelling. These symptoms subside within a few days.

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