IV Vitamin Drips

IV Vitamin Drips

IV Vitamin Drips are an effective way of receiving vitamins, minerals, and hydration right into your bloodstream by bypassing the digestive system. IV vitamin therapy has a lot of different health benefits, such as improving physical and emotional wellness, improving immune health, boosting energy levels, accelerating wound healing, and maintaining the strength of muscles and tissues. Our lists of IV drips help you with various health and beauty needs. IV beauty drip contains a special blend of vitamins, nutrients, and antioxidants that improves the health and strength of your skin, hair, and nails. Our IV hangover cure and hydration drip rehydrate and detoxify your body, restoring nutrients and electrolytes lost during drinking. Talk to our medical professionals about your needs, and they will assist you with the right IV drip for your needs.

At Spa Medica Aesthetic, we offer several IV custom cocktails, each designed to prevent aging and activate bodily repair by aiding:

  • Brain function
  • Weight reduction
  • Detoxification
  • Immunity
  • Gut support
  • Energy
  • Muscle recovery
  • Beauty enhancements

The Treatment

Immune Support

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Boost your immune system’s health. This IV contains a blend of Vitamin C, B1, B3, B5, B6, and Zinc. It aids your body in rebuilding its immune system.

Energy Boost

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This IV improves your performance and recovery and includes a Vitamin Complex, B12, for enhanced stamina and amino acids to strengthen metabolism by using the stored fat as fuel.

Glowing Skin

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Combat acne and wrinkles from within for a transformed outer appearance. Perfect for hair, skin, and nails. It consists of high amounts of Biotin, Vitamin C, and Vitamin Complex for maximum enhancements.

Myers Cocktail

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A nutrient cocktail was invented by John Myers, a physician from Baltimore, Maryland. It’s an alternative treatment for many conditions such as wrinkles, flu symptoms, asthma, fibromyalgia, brain fog, and chronic fatigue syndrome. It consists of a blend of B vitamins, vitamin C, and other nutrients.


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Are you dehydrated? We’ve got you! Improve your hydration and start to feel revived.

Hair Growth

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Improve the length of your hair with a biotin vitamin drip. Biotin revitalizes your hair, skin, and nail health.

Hangover Cure

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Get a hangover cure with fluids and vitamins that rehydrate and detoxify your cells. This drip includes anti-inflammatory, anti-nausea, and acid reflux medication that alleviate discomfort. You’ll get back to routine within a few hours.


These vitamin drips are vital to regulate and balance your digestive system, boost your hydration, encourage new cell production, and improve your skin and other mild ailments.

You’ll get tangible results within three to five days after treatment.

The longevity of results will depend on your immune system and factors such as nutrient imbalances and overall health. We recommend weekly treatments for optimal results.

Yes. Rashes, bruising, swelling, or soreness may occur. These symptoms subside within a few hours.

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